Here is a list of some ideas for your own climate art projects. Change or combine these projects if you want, or develop your own! We’re accepting photo submissions of art from around the world at art@350.org
Land Art: Land Art is one of the oldest art forms. It is simply, creating something beautiful out of natural materials. This is an art form that can be done anywhere on earth, because any material can be used to make art. A pile of sticks can become a bird, or a sandy beach can become a sun. The possibilities are endless. more ideas
Aerial Art: One of the signatures of the 350 movement has been the incredible creativity shown through the creation of Aerial Art. This is a great art form because its very medium shows how many people are involved. Aerial art can be done in many different ways, small or as big as you can imagine. Think about using different colors in the image, or using other materials to create part of the image. You can even make your aerial art animated! more ideas
350 Concerts: Raise the volume, lower the CO2. Music moves people, physically and emotionally, and has been a crucial part of many social movements. Invite a few local groups to play a Zero Carbon Concert. Invite speakers working on local environmental issues to talk in between songs or invite theater groups. click here to see what songs have already been made about 350
350 Mural: There are walls all over the world, separating things. By painting the wall you can make it the wall tool to bring people together, to educate and inspire them, and to make spaces more colorful and enjoyable. This is a great project that everyone can get involved in, and can communicate to people for years to come. more ideas
350 Flash Mob: Organize a “flash mob” – where crowds of coordinated people suddenly assemble in public spaces. There are endless variations, from freezing in place for 350 seconds to wearing snorkels and swimming trunks to talk about sea level rise. This is a project it is bound to surprise.more ideas
Street Art: Street art supporting 350 has started showing up all over the world. From Belarus to Switzerland to the United States, people have been sending us images of walls where they have seen painted 350s. Street art is a modern way to bring the 350 message into public eye and the public conscience. more ideas
Note: Street art is illegal in some places.
Traditional Art: Embrace local traditions to create a piece of art that reflects local traditions. Use traditional local materials, symbols, or artistic techniques and show the world what local solutions your community has. There are thousands of years of knowledge of how to live sustainably on this planet, lets hold onto and share those traditions as we move ahead. more ideas
350 Film Festival: There are so many wonderful and creative films online about climate change. Organize a mini film festival, and invite people to come watch. You can show numerous short movies from Youtube, or show a full length film. There may even be films made about the specific local issues of your region. Leave time for discussion at the end of the movie, so you can talk about how to turn your feelings into actions.
Street Theater: Create a Street Theater performance that educates people about climate change, and what they can do to help stop it. Get creative! Street Theater is a great way to entice a general audience into listening to what you want to say. Street art engages anyone who happens to walk by – which is great – we need everyone to combat the climate crisis. more ideas
Get Crafty: Crafts are a great way to show your support for 350 while simultaneously taking action. Everything we can make for ourselves is one step closer towards sustainability and local production. Use your talents, whatever they might be, to create a solution that will get us down to 350. Click here to see the beautiful results from the 350 Craftster Contest.
Bike Parade: Bicycles are one of the most joyous and simple solutions to get us down to 350. Organizing a bike parade is simple. Set a place and time, and ask people to come with their bicycles. Ask people to come in costume or to make flags or license plates for their bikes – and you’ll be sure to get noticed.more ideas
Food!: Cooking is an art, perhaps the most important one of all, and is one of the key solutions to sustainable living. Sitting together around a table is also one of the best ways to get to know new people. Have a pot-latch dinner with local food, or contact a local food co-op and organize a feast. Get creative: how can you incorporate the message of 350 into your favorite dish?
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